Our Programmes
Human population growth is the greatest threat to the survival of our grasslands, wetlands, and hence cranes. Our strategy recognises this and seeks to minimise its impact by focusing on our endeavours on four key initiatives, Landowner engagement, Community engagement, Habitat security and Gene Pool security.
A Path to a Richer Future.
The first goal of the KZNCF was to stabilise the crane populations. With this achieved, the aim now is to facilitate the growth of the population beyond the danger of its decimation in a single catastrophic event. From there we will look to restoring the birds to other areas of their former range. These objectives will require patience, commitment, and substantial long-term resourcing.
Wattled Crane population growth 2000 – 2014
Our Strategy
Human population growth is the greatest threat to the survival of our grasslands, wetlands, and hence cranes. Our strategy recognises this and seeks to minimise its impact, by focusing our endeavours on the four key initiatives or programmes outlined on the left, to find out more about them, simply click on the image.
Part of our strategy seeks to elevate the level of public awareness of the plight of Cranes and to foster an appreciation of their beauty. In line with this, we fully support the fantastic work Daniel Dolpire is doing in compiling the definitive photographic record of the Cranes of South Africa ‘The Sentinels‘. To learn more about Daniel and The Sentinels click on the image below.